Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 13: Job 11-13; Matthew 9:18-38

In today’s reading from Matthew we see some beautiful stories of Jesus healing those in need. There’s a woman who had been bleeding for twenty years, and young girl who had died, two blind men, and a demon possessed man. These people serve as a wonderful reminder of God as our healer and provider.

The Lord provides for his people. Just as the Lord provided for Abraham in the wilderness by giving him a substitute sacrifice in place of his son Isaac (Genesis 22:13-14), he provides for each of us as well. He knows the needs that need to be meant in our lives. Perhaps this is a miraculous healing, as shown in Matthew 9, or perhaps it’s a need for monetary provision, or a roof over ones head.
I know for me, today, it’s a need for peace about the future. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, I need a reminder from the Lord that he is in control of it all. He can handle the future and all it entails.

Thank you for the reminder that you are a God who provides. You are in control of the future, so I lay it in your hands.

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