Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Woman Named Lydia

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 24-25; Acts 16:1-21

We don't know too much about her. What we do know was that she was a career woman, a seller of purple cloth, who heard the gospel message and believed. Perhaps that's all that needs to be said about Lydia. She was a good, hardworking woman who put her faith in Christ. Isn't that what each of us desires?
In the past people have asked me what I want my legacy to be when I leave this earth for my eternal home in heaven. My answers have been many. I’d love to be remembered as a writer, a military wife, a mother, and keeper of memories. These are all a part of who I am, and whom I believe God has created me to be. But more than any of these things, I want my legacy to be that of a child of God. I want people to remember me as a woman of faith, who stopped at nothing to share the gospel with those around her.
For that is the great commission each of us has been given, isn’t it? (Matthew 28:16-20). To share the gospel with the world around us, so that all might come to a faith in Christ Jesus.
The Apostle Paul was fulfilling this commission when he witnessed to a woman named Lydia. And Lydia was starting her work when she opened her heart to the truth.
We don’t know much about Lydia besides that. A part of me would like to find out more about her. But that will be a story that will have to wait until heaven. Until then, the most important thing has already been said, she believed.

What do you want your legacy to be? How can you carry out the Great Commission today?

1 comment:

  1. I want to be known for my faith in God, and my love for the people around me. If nothing else makes it into my eulogy, I'll be satisfied. :-)
