Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 30: Genesis 31-32; Matthew 20:1-16

I love the portion of scripture in Genesis. Today we read about how fearful Jacob was of meeting up with his brother Esau. The last time they had been together Esau was ready to kill him. Now Jacob is on the verge of experiencing the amazing power of forgiveness. I can hardly wait for the next chapter!

Jacob and Esau are about to come time an understanding on what it means to forgive and love. In this place, there is no room for jealousy.

For jealousy is such an evil thing. In Matthew, we see how there is no place for jealousy in the in the Kingdom of Heaven. God knows best when it comes to the gifts he gives us in this world and the next. As the landowner (God) says in Matthew 20:15, “Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?”

It’s really not our place to compare our lot in life with others. This can be so tricky sometimes. I long for a comfortable life with all the latest electronic gadgets. I want to be successful in the home, in my career, in my relationships. I want all these things. But through this parable God is showing us that he really knows best. He knows what each of us needs to get through each day.

It’s about being thankful.

It’s about trusting.

It’s about believing that he knows best.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the things you have given me in this life. Please help me to not compare myself with others, but to instead be thankful for all that you have given me, each and every day.

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