Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hiding Behind the Baggage

Today’s Readings: 1 Samuel 10-12; Luke 19:1-27

“So they inquired further of the LORD, ‘Has the man come here yet?’ And the LORD said, ‘Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage.’" (1 Samuel 10:22).

I long ago realized that living for the Lord isn’t always easy. God likes to stretch me, and encourage me to do things that don’t always come easily. Teaching was like this for me, and writing certainly can me. God always seems to be pushing me out of my comfort zone, and asking if I really trust in Him to provide for me each step of the way. At times I have been like Saul in today’s reading. I’ve been given a great honor, felt the presence of God, but then run and hid from the future like a little child. While the people were waiting to anoint Saul the first king of Israel, Saul was hiding among the baggage. They say Saul stood head and shoulders above the other men. Can you imagine him folding up his long arms and legs and crouching like a child of five among barrels and boxes, carts and bags? What an image! Just the same, I understand what Saul must have been feeling in that moment. Inadequate, Unworthy, Unsure if he can truly fulfill the task. I’m sure all of us have felt that way at one time or another. But this is exactly the moment when God asks us to let go of our fears of inadequacy and let Him move within us. As Jesus says in Luke 18:27 “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” He is ready to do the seemingly impossible in each of our lives. If only we get up from behind the baggage and let Him move.

1 comment:

  1. I feel a bit like that for at least a few minutes nearly everyday! :-)
