Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Rose of Sharon

Today’s Reading: Song of Solomon 1-3; Acts 6

“I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys” (Song of Solomon 2:1 NIV).

How do you view yourself as a daughter of God? What do you see when you look in the mirror. Do you see a beautiful Rose of Sharon or Lilly of the Valley, or do you see all the little imperfections in your face? Can you see God’s perfect creation, or do you focus on all you are not?

Throughout myself I’ve struggled with my appearance. I know that Psalm 139 says that I’m wonderfully made, but it’s one thing to read a verse, and another to truly take it to heart.

These last few years have brought a drastic change to my life, as I’ve started to climb out of a pit of self-hate and start to fully embrace the woman God has created me to be. This hasn’t been an easy process. It’s one I still work on day by day.
Being pregnant has added a whole new challenge to the mix. Once again God is asking me if I’m truly ok with how I look. If I can once again get passed society’s image of the perfect woman, and accept who He has created me to be, curves and all.

Do you struggle with self-image? What verses do you turn to for help? How is God helping you through the process?

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