Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today I’m Thankful For…

Today’s Reading: Psalm 136, 146; 1 Corinthians 3

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1 NIV).

My mom reminded me the other day to enjoy each part of this motherhood experience. It’s so easy to look into the future and wish that it would hurry up and get here. I look ahead 1 ½ months to when my family will be visiting for Thanksgiving. I look ahead five months to when my little one can start eating solid food. I look ahead to when she can talk, when she can walk, and all of the fun adventures we’ll have over the years.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine to dream about the future. I think we all do it. But just the same, there’s something special about living in the here and now. There’s something special about searching for the ordinary blessings in each and every day. For our God is good, and He blesses us in so many ways. With the nights being so long and the adjustment to motherhood being so hard at times, my heart feels the urge to seek out those reasons to be thankful. It’s a topic you’ll see me come back to day after day. But I think it’s an important one. One we all could stand focusing on a little more. As you consider what ordinary things you’re thankful for, I’ll leave you with my list for today:

I’m thankful for a baby girl who sometimes wants nothing more then to be held by her momma.

I’m thankful for skinny vanilla lattes… in fact maybe I should go get one in the next little bit.

I’m thankful for Fall, even if it is a little different then the Fall I knew growing up. I love this time of year, when sweaters come out of storage and pumpkins and apples are ready for the picking.

I’m thankful for today in all of it’s ordinariness. (I made up a word there, but oh well).

1 comment:

  1. Making up words is your right as a mother. I declare it so!

    I actually have a "thankful" post up today too. Focusing on something to be thankful for is often the only thing that saves my sanity as a mom. "Ordinariness" can overwhelm me at times, so this kind of thankfulness is especially needed.

    Bless you, new momma. :-)
