Today’s Reading: Psalm 93-95; Philippians 4
“When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy” (Psalm 94:19 HCSB).
“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 HCSB).
Today I’m tired. I’m not necessarily in a bad mood, or worrying about anything in particular, but I need some encouragement just the same. As I read Psalm 94 and Philippians 4, I was reminded of how great and immense our God in heaven really is. He’s ready and waiting to take our problems, big and small. Even when we don’t have the words to express what we’re feeling, He’s there, arm’s outstretched, ready to take the matter into his own hands. How wonderful is that?
And He doesn’t just take our burdens away, no, He replaces them with comfort, joy, and peace. These are gifts that can be given during the middle of a horrific storm. And oh can this life get stormy! Sometimes I’m at my very whit’s end, surrounded by worries, concerns and heartaches. But God is ready and waiting to take me in and cover all those concerns with His love.
While I’m not doing horrible today, I could still do with a dose of His comfort. What about you?
Lord, please take whatever is on my heart today and replace it with your peace. Help me to share your all-encompassing peace with others as I go about my day.
Oh yes...comfort is a constant prayer request for me, these days...