Today's Reading: 2 Kings 13-14; James 5
The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful” (James 5:16b HCSV).
Today was a day of wondering and worrying. Things that I’ve given to God were once again at the forefront of my mind. My main worry had to do with the little one I’m currently carrying inside. For some reason, I wasn’t feeling the kicks I normally felt each morning, and so I was wondering if something was wrong. Of course, I was busy this morning, but that didn’t stop the flags from raising and my heart from sinking. I knew I needed to spend time with God and bring my concerns up to him, but I was too busy to stop and do this. Once again I ignored the prompting of the Holy Spirit and went about my day.
My pastor always says that there are four pivotal facets to our Christian walk: Fellowship, Worship, Reading the Word, and Prayer. My weakest, by far, is prayer. Yes, I utter quick prayers throughout my day, talking to God has become a natural part of my day. But, I often forget to spend quiet time truly listening for his voice.
I get busy, I get preoccupied, and I just don’t devote the time to prayer that I should.
And so, back to today. All this morning I focused on how I was feeling. I was achy, I was tired, I was worried once again that the baby wasn’t doing ok.
And then, I sat down with my Bible and I heard these verses over and over again in my head:
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV)
“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matthew 6:27 NIV).
Once again I was reminded how much I need time with God each day. Once again I was reminded how much I need His comfort and love to make it through each day.
As I relaxed, read God’s word, and spent time in prayer, my heart was calmed, and the baby kicks started to come rapidly.
Those kicks reminded me of how precious this growing life inside of me is to my Savior. He cares more for this little one then I ever will. He has an ultimate plan and purpose already in place for this child. He is in charge of life, not me.
And so, I’m once again thankful. Thankful for the gift of life God has given to this child. Thankful that He’s chosen me to be the mother of this precious life. And thankful that He really does answer prayers, big and small.
What answered prayers are you thankful for today? What unanswered prayers do you need to bring before the throne of God?
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