Thursday, May 27, 2010

Make Me A Servant

Today’s Reading: Psalm 53, 55, 58; John 13:1-20

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14 NIV).

I often wonder what it means to be a true servant. Growing up, the world around me taught me to look out for number one. I was told that, as a woman, I should aspire to be independent, successful and thin. The world values such things, but Jesus seems to value something entirely different. In John 13, the Savior of the world takes on one of the most humbling roles possible. He takes off His outer clothes, and washes the dirty, grimy, smelly feet of His disciples. He didn’t have do this, but He did this to set an example for His disciples, and for all of us as well, to follow. He was showing us what true humility looks like.
What does humility look like in my life? It means helping out with less appealing tasks from time to time, working behind the scenes and parties and events, and offering to do the tasks no one else wants to accomplish. It means sacrificing my own free time to help out a friend in need. It means doing things without expecting and recognition. It means getting outside of myself, and truly ministering to the needs of others.
No, its not always fun. But it may just be one of the best ways to lead those I care about to the Lord. Because by being a servant, I’m letting Jesus shine through me and fill in the gaps. I’m letting Him take control, instead of me.

What does being a servant look like in your life?

Lord, please help me to have the heart of a servant today and everyday. Please reveal practical ways for me to serve.

Check out this link to one of my favorite songs, "Make Me A Servant" by the Maranatha Singers.

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