Today's Reading: Psalms 32-51; John 3:16-36
For God so loved the world… (John 3:16, NIV)
God’s gift to us was such an amazing one; I’ll never get over it. By sending His one and only Son, He was able to bridge the gap between the sinful world and Himself. Christ’s death and resurrection made it possible for us, as naturally sinful human beings, to spend eternity in heaven with Him, the Lord of Lords.
What a wonderful thing… and how easily I forget how great a gift it is. In Psalm 51, David asks God to “restore the joy of His salvation” (vs. 12, NIV). In other words, to forgive David of his transgressions with Bathsheba and renew the connection between Him and God. David wanted that connection with God so bad. He asked fervently for a “clean heart” and a “steadfast spirit,” one that wouldn’t waver the next time a temptation was in His path (vs. 10, NIV). What struck me about David’s requests was his longing for the “joy” of his salvation. I realize I may be taking this slightly different then the original text, but I found myself wondering how often I am truly “joyful” about my salvation. Yes, I realize what a wonderful thing it is, but do I live my daily life with an indescribable joy? I know I should. The gift God has given each of us is that great. Just the same, I think I often get caught up in the busyness of life, more interested in worrying and fretting that things will happen in my timing, then in truly finding joy and peace in Christ. This is something I’ve probably addressed before, and something I’ll probably keep on pondering. Am I truly joyful for the great gift God gave me in sending His son into this world? Am I truly joyful in my home, at my church, with my friends and family, and even with the stranger I meet on the street? Does the joy of Christ resonate in me?
Questions: What are your thoughts about joy? Is the joy of your salvation evident in every aspect of your life?
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