Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 19; Psalm 23 & 59; Luke 21:1-19
In today’s reading we finally return to the book of Psalms. I love seeing the connections between what was happening in 1 Samuel and what David was writing about his experiences in the Psalms. In 1 Samuel we see David on the run. Saul has gone back on his word once again, and now, in a rage of jealousy, vows to kill David. This must have been such a fearful time for David. He must have wondered who he could trust and who he couldn’t. Yet even in his fear, he still turned to God.
As the men watched David’s house, ready to kill him, David wrote the words of Psalm 59. It’s a beautiful Psalm of deliverance. David wasn’t sure if he would even live to see morning come, yet he writes, “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble” (v. 16, NIV). He had faith that God would see him through this dark, scary night. He was depending on God to be his refuge and strength.
And remarkably, God did provide for David. This would be one of many times God gave him a way to escape his enemies.
The words of Psalm 23 are well known by many. Just the same, I couldn’t help but read them in a new light today. David knew what it was like to have enemies. He knew what it was like to be on the brink of death, time and again, Yet he says that he “shall not be in want” (Psalm 23:1 NIV). He knew that God would provide for his needs, each and every day. Though I’ve never faced a situation quite like David’s, sometimes I need the reminder that God truly will provide for me in all things, big and small.
What about you? Do you need God’s protection and provision today?
Lord, thank you that you always provide for me, and that I’m never truly in want of anything.
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