Today's Reading: Judges 11-12; Luke 14:25-35
Favorite Verse: 34"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 35It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.
I like salt, sometimes too much. There's something about salty snacks that just hits the spot sometimes. One day I was trying to be health conscious, so I bought a bag of unsalted pretzel. Some people might like them, but I thought they were awful. I realized as I was eating them that a part of what makes pretzels good is the saltiness. Without it you're just eating brown twisted things. To me, the pretzels stopped being pretzels without the salt.
As Christians we have a "saltiness" that comes from Christ. This saltiness seasons every part of our lives. It influences how we act, where we go, and what we say. As Paul writes in Colossians 4,"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." We are seasoned with the influence of the Holy Spirit. In Luke 14, Jesus is warning us about what will happen if we chose to turn around and leave the saltiness behind. if we deny the influence of the Holy Spirit and turn our back on everything we've ever believed, our life will be like it was never salted at all. It's called free will. We're given the choice to accept Jesus, and we're given the choice to deny Him. I know some people will differ theologically on this subject than me. I realize that there is more than one viewpoint out there. For me, this is where I'm coming from when I read this verse. For me, I'm reminded about how important my salvation is, and how Jesus seasons every part of my life day in and day out. I'm so thankful for that, and strive daily to lead a life even more seasoned by the Holy Spirit. This is one area where there's no such thing as too much salt.
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