Have you ever read a book and felt God speaking to you through the pages? This is how I felt the first time I read The Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn. At the time, I was a young girl, struggling with a desire to be popular in school but to also stay true to my convictions.
Because of my love of Christy Miller, I quickly picked up the Katie Weldon books. I wasn't disappointed. Like Christy Miller, Katie Weldon is an extremely real and down-to-earth character. I truly identified with her as a friend. Gunn is definitely not afraid to portray a character with faults.The final book in a trilogy, Coming Attractions follows Katie’s final experiences in college. Having recently graduated from college, I identified with Katie’s confusion about the future. I won’t spell out the conclusion to the story, but I will say that I was extremely surprised yet delighted in the end. In essence, Katie comes to a realization that God writes a more beautiful love story than any of us can understand.
Coming Attractions was a well written, fast read. I would recommended it anyone, young or old, who wants a nice book to read on a Saturday afternoon while sipping on a cup of tea. You won't be disappointed.
For more books about Christy Miller and Katie Weldon, visit Robin Jones Gunn’s website. You can also find a link to Coming Attractions on Amazon.com.
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Meg, What a lovely review! Thank you so much for posting this. May the Lord continue to bless you and draw you closer and closer to His heart. And I hope you thoroughly enjoy your vacation!