Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 46: Genesis 46-48; Matthew 23:1-22

"The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" (Matthew 23:11-12).

In a self-centered world, what does a true servant look like? They seem to be few and far between. People seem more interested in improving their own looks, furthering their own careers, and buying the newest gadget on the market than in really helping others.
But Jesus calls for a different kind of living. In today’s reading, he seems to be saying that a servant isn’t someone looking for recognition and power. Instead, a servant is humble at heart. They are ready and willing to be used by God. Joseph, in the book of Genesis, seemed to have such a heart. He gave God the credit for interpreting dreams and for putting him in a position of power. He was always ready and willing to help whomever was in need, whether Potiphar, the Prison Guard, Pharaoh, or his own estranged brothers.
A servant is humble. A servant recognizes that there is someone much greater at work in the situation. A servant looks for needs and others and meets those needs. A servant thinks of others before themselves. A servant has the heart of God.

Are you a servant of God today? How does he want to use you? Listen for his voice.

Prayer: Lord, make me a servant. Open my heart and show me my purpose for today and always.

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